Cultured Oat Cheddar Cheese




1 cup gluten free oats

1 cup boiling water

cup rejuvelac

1 cup regular water

2 tbsp nutritional yeast

2 cloves garlic

1 tsp salt

1 tsp mustard

1 tsp paprika

2 tbsp kappa carageen

2 tbsp potato starch

1 tbsp tapioca starch

½ tsp xanthan gum (optional, but does make a smoother texture)


Boil the oats in the water, for 10 minutes. Once this is done, put into the blender and add the mustard, paprika, salt, garlic, nutritional yeast, and regular water. Combine until smooth. Wait until it's about 110°, then add the rejuvelac. Combine until well mixed. Being sure to make sure that the mix is less than 110° so you don't kill the culture.

Culture overnight until it hits a level of sourness that you're happy with. This can vary anywhere from 48 to 24 hours. I check at 12:00 just in case. Once it's done, add the remaining ingredients + process on high until the mixture reaches 165 to 175° f. Be sure to use a tamper or things will not mix correctly. It's critical to use a tamper during most stages of this.

After this is done, pour into a cheese mold and put into the refrigerator overnight. The next day put into a 55° wine cellar, otherwise known as a wine chiller, with a little bit of water on a nice rack in the center thing. What be sure to let it ferment for about 5 days. Checking once each day and putting salt on the outside to keep mold away. Once this is done, simply wrap and use as normal. The cheese will get better as it ages.